The MP3 Made Podcasts Possible

The MP3 was recently declared dead by its creators, although you wouldn’t know it in the world of podcasts. Podcasting owes a lot of its success to the MP3 format. In fact, the current podcast industry probably wouldn’t exist without it. Disclaimer: Podcasting has always had a broad landscape. Dozens (if not hundreds) of people…

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Mangrate’s Podcast Ad Journey

In my podcast advertising book, I discuss the first podcast sponsorship I ever heard, which was the ManGrate ads on the Adam Carolla Show in 2010. In this episode, we’re going to get the story behind that ad campaign. I recently had the chance to chat with Evan McConnell, inventor…

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Podcast Ad Sales Isn’t About Selling

I began my career in podcast ad sales back in 2012. I was working at TWiT as the Director of Marketing, when an opportunity arose to be a part of the CEO’s recently formed in-house sales team. Within days, I was given a lead for a potential client and I had my…

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"Our experience with ADOPTER has been first-rate! They utilize a hands on approach and take the time to meet with you to clearly spell out how campaigns are performing so both podcast and brand can get the most out of the relationship."

- Jordan Meiselas, Meidas Touch

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Podcast Ad Sales Isn’t About Selling

I began my career in podcast ad sales back in 2012. I was working at TWiT as the Director of Marketing, when an opportunity arose to be…

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Mangrate’s Podcast Ad Journey

In my podcast advertising book, I discuss the first podcast sponsorship I ever heard, which was the ManGrate ads on the Adam Carolla Show in…

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The MP3 Made Podcasts Possible

The MP3 was recently declared dead by its creators, although you wouldn’t know it in the world of podcasts. Podcasting owes a lot of its success to…

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The First Podcast Ad I Ever Heard

The first podcast ad that I ever heard was on The Adam Carolla Show. This was back in 2010. The phrasing and introduction now seem…

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DesignCrowd: Podcast Sponsorships are Always On

This is a deep dive into DesignCrowd and the long-tail success they’ve had with podcast sponsorships. It’s an example of the results you can achieve…

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Direct Response Marketing Strategies. Overview and Costs

Podcast sponsorships are a hot topic for up-and-coming and well-established brands alike. In 2024, podcasts will surpass $2 billion in revenue and by 2028, that…

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