How an Influence-Based Campaign Helped Build Brand Authority and Drive Sustainable Growth

A strategy designed for long-term success rather than rapid growth

Discover how an influence-based campaign helped Qualia build brand authority and drive sustainable growth in the competitive health and wellness market. Learn about their journey, challenges, and strategies that led to long-term success with ADOPTER Media.

The Magic Behind Magic Spoon’s Growth in Podcast Advertising

Magic Spoon recently secured an $85 Million raise to support its booming growth.

Magic Spoon Cereal is the leading direct-to-consumer health cereal brand. Magic Spoon recently secured an $85 Million raise to support its booming growth. Behind this growth has been the support of podcast advertising. Podcasts have become a primary channel in which they’ve secured dominance and have stayed fresh in the ears and bowls of listeners weekly with the help of ADOPTER Media. Read their story and learn how podcast advertising has helped Magic Spoon reach millions of ears weekly and unlock a scalable source of revenue!

Fe-Fi-Fo-Füm: Taking Down Bad Habits with Podcast Advertising

Füm scales 400% in size working with ADOPTER!

In early 2021, Füm needed a new avenue for advertising. However, navigating the delicate landscape of their industry presented unique challenges, demanding a personalized touch. Read how podcast advertising emerged as the perfect fit for their brand!

Real Results for Reel Paper

343% Growth through Podcast Advertising

Like many Direct to Consumer (DTC) brands, Reel Paper was feeling the pains of iOS 14’s impact on their digital advertising. With declining digital performance and an increased interest in sustainable paper products, Reel sought out podcast advertising as their ticket to scalable and effective new customer acquisition.